Sunday, December 28, 2008

No holidays???

I think that there are so many readers who is reading this issue has been enjoying their holidays, because most of Japanese companies has been in "the end of year and the new year holidays" since December 27 to January 4 of 2009.

How is me???
I've been in a hard situation that I will have to work until December 29, or 30 due to a work that I represent mailing service of my client. This is because I sent a first email for this service on December 26, and I got two inquiries from receivers in the same day. So I've gotten be in a situation that I have to work in holidays in order to correspond to those troubles.

However, I have no schedules and I have no activities in my home, so it is not hard to go out. And I'm glad because I didn't expect these special procurements. On the other hand, I feel envious for those who take good holidays...

I'll go to the office from the noon tomorrow, no it's today, and will correspond to new troubles.
I had expected some troubles for this work, but I had not expected this work became a hard one and took a lot of times...

Anyway, I can get make-up holidays due to this work.
Let's think it positive...






Sunday, December 21, 2008

Business trips

The saint Christmas Day is coming...
I think that most of American and European will going into holidays. But I will not be able to have enough holidays due to my hard works.

I went to Osaka for meeting with my important clients on last Thursday and Friday. And I have to go there again for making a proposal on next Monday, so I will go to the office for preparing documents and other proposing materials tomorrow although it is Sunday. And after finishing preparation, I will move to Osaka by last flight.

Also, I have to prepare for other proposal. So although it will be a national holiday on Tuesday, I will go to the office and make proposing documents.

Anyway, I have a lot of works now, and they are requested to finish by next Friday.
Although I will be able to have holidays from December 27 to January 4, I will go for work on some of these days.

I want to sleep enough and take enough rests...






Thursday, October 2, 2008

Submit acceptance

I would go to the new office today, but when I called new boss/CEO, he told me no need to come to the office only for submitting a document, and to submit it on the first day at the office. So I told him my acceptance officially and told each other something regarding to the new circumstances.

After I hung up this call, I thought awhile.
That was to say, I thought that it was a little bit impolite to him to express my acceptance only by a phone call.
So I signed on the document and scanned it, and then saved it as PDF. And I wrote an email to him to tell my acceptance officially again, and to tell him to attach this PDF in order to express my sincerity, and to bring my official document on my first day at the office, October 8th.

I'll clean tons of confidential documents up from now. As you know, I got so many confidential documents related to job descriptions or hiring conditions from my recruiting agents and head-hunters. I hope that my shredder will not be broken up...

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これから山のような機密文書を整理するつもりです。何しろ、紹介会社やヘッドハンターからもらった職務内容や就業条件などの書かれた機密文書をかなりの数もらっているので... シュレッダーが壊れないことを祈ります。

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I got an official document

As I wrote yesterday, I had gotten an unofficial offer from an advertising agency.
Today, I received an official offer from that company as an official document.

According to that document, I will be a manager of planning group of that company, in other word, I will be an account manager. It also required me to make my decision by this Friday, and to become an employee from October 8th.

Otherwise, I got a feedback, which was notifying me to pass a screening of resume by other ad agency, from a recruiting agent. And I also had over 10 on-going positions that I had applied before.

I considered whether I should accept this official offer or not for whole day, today. And finally, I decided to accept this official offer!!

Due to these conditions, I wrote a lot of emails to my recruiting agents and head hunters. As you know, I had over 10 positions at that time, it took many times. However, I have just finished writing emails to them.

I'll go to the new office tomorrow, in order to submit an acceptance document to them.
Now I'm feeling good because I had been struggling for seeking a new and good position for about 3 months. This 3-months activity was really a hard and a long one. Anyway, I'm relieved now.

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書面によれば、僕は企画グループの課長として採用されるとのことです。他の言葉で言えば、アカウント マネージャーということになります。また、この書面には、意思決定を今週の金曜日までにして欲しいと言うことと、入社日は10月8日とするということが書かれていました。




今の気分は良いです。何しろ、約3ヶ月の間、新しいそして自分にとって満足のいく会社(ポジション)を死にもの狂いで探してきたんですから... この3ヶ月間の活動は本当にハードで長い活動でした。とにかく今はホッとしています。

にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I got one!

I had been struggling with my recruiting activities for about 3 months, and today, I got an unofficial decision/offer from an ad agency.

Most of my activities had been moderated by my some recruiting agents, however, the company which I got an unofficial decision/offer and me had met by internet based resume scouting system.

The company is not a big one, but strongly agreed with their policy. That is to say, "their clients are pharmaceutical companies, however, their final clients are patients.". Not only CEO, but also those employees all toward for patients. I was strongly moved this policy.

Today, I went to their office for taking the 2nd interview. But there were no interviews as an exam.
CEO directly offered me 3 conditions.
1st one was I will be an account executive at their headquarter in Tokyo, and also responsible for supporting activities of their will-be-launched office in Osaka in sales area.
2nd one was he wanted to me to become their member as soon as possible; if possible he wanted me to come to their office from next week.
3rd one was my annual salary.

So now, I got all conditions and informations for this position, and I have to answer whether good or not to CEO by this Friday. I wanted to say "Yes" at that time, but I still have some on-going opportunities. So I couldn't decide at that time.

In my heart now, I think that my decision has been made. That is to say, I will answer "Yes" to CEO.

And I will have to take a lot of contacts with my recruiting agents yesterday in order to stop there research and recommendation for other companies. This will take about a day...

Anyway, I'm relieved now.

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thank you friends! And my current status...

First of all, I want to express my gratitude to my precious friends.
I got a lot of messages from you/my friends related to the last blog. They all gave me a energy. Now I'm alright.
Again, thank you to all.

By the way, I'm still struggling to find a new job.

I had applied over thirty positions/companies which/where will be suitable for me through some recruiting agents. But it is not an easy way to find a suitable job for over thirty-five year old man. In fact, I got twenty negative feed backs from applied companies.

But I've never given up!

I still have thirteen opportunities at the moment.
Also, some of my agents found me some positions, and offered me them.

However, I'm considering of widening job criteria.
Now I'm focusing on healthcare advertising and PR agency, pharmaceutical companies, and medical device companies. But there are not so many opportunities in these industry at the moment. So I'm considering of recruiting agency and head hunting firm as my second expectation.

Anyway, I'll never give up and do my best till I'll get a new job.

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

To be or not to be...

What should I do!?
I have no idea...
"To be or not to be" is the phrase for me now.

Why I am here now? - I don't know.
Why I am alive? - I don't know.
Why I can't die? - I don't know.

Maybe I'm losing my purpose of living.
Too bad...

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"To be or not to be"こそ今の僕を表す表現だと思う。

何で僕は今ここにいるんだろう? - わからない。
何で僕は生きているんだろう? - わからない。
何で死ぬことができないんだろう? - わからない。


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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Telephone interview

I've just finished a telephone interview in English with human resouces manager of a medical device company which headquartered in the US. I got to be so nurvous, because this was the first time telephone interview in English whole of my life. I'm still shivering...

I had prepared some ansewrs for this interview, but half of them were not useful. The latter half of questions were quite different from my imaginations.

I was fully realized my poorness of English skill.

The interviewer told me that the feedback will be provided from the agent later. However, I think that there will be little probability of my success in this interview.

Oh my god!
Oh lord, where are you now?

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

No Hope...

I received two more bad feedbacks today.

These two companies had big and clear visions that they would contribute to peoples's health throught their business models. I strongly agreed with their visions, so I'm really sad.

I will almost lost my hope...
I'm heartbreaking...

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Activities are on-going

It will be almost 1 month from my start of finding new job, otherwise finding job activities with recruiting agency will be almost 3 weeks. I've already left the company, so I will not be able to get any money from the end of this month. I feel some kind of impatience. It is an urgent situation.

Activities are going well in its own way.
I had applied for 26 companies.
I had received NG feedback from 10 companies.
Those companies, which I had passed the screening resume step and I'm on the way of personal interview, are 5.
And I'm waiting for feedback of screening resume from 11 companies.
This is all.

I took exams of so called publisher focused on medical and healthcare areas yesterday (August 4th) and today (August 5th).
I took only a personal interview with a compny yesterday. It took about an hour for the interview, and the result will feedback through my agent later.
I took a Japanese and English paper based examination and an aptitude test today. It took about 3 hours, and the result will feedback through my agent later.
I have only one interview on Thursday, August 7th, for the latter half of this week at the moment.

I'm considering of part time job for getting money due to out of job, but I don't have a car; I can' t get an ideal part time job such as the transportation. I surely looking for other kind of jobs, but I can't find any suitable shot term jobs so far. Further, I will not be able to concentrate on the part time job, it's because if I would pass the screening of resume, I would take the personal interview. And its date will be fixed suddenly, so I'm wondering.
It is a delicate situation for me.

I have to overcome this situation anyways.

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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Hard situation

I'm in a hard situation with my recruiting activities.

I've registered for 10 recruiting agency and gotten over 40 offers for suitable positions, and applied to 23 positions so far. But I've already failed in 5 positions. The reason is clear: I had changed my job twice in a year. On the other hand, I have good news too. I've passed the first step/resume screening for 5 positions and passed the second step/1st personal interview for one of these positions. Regarding to the rest of 4 positions, I'll take 1st personal interview on August 4, 5, 7 and 11. Regarding to other 13 positions, I'm still waiting for feedbacks from companies on resume screening.

I don't know how many companies will accept me, but there will be only one thing to do for me at the moment. That is to believe myself and to do my best.

I'll report later.

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Out of work and looking for new job

I had retired from former company on July 25, and I became out of work from July 26.
Umm. It's hard.
But, I don't regret for this retireent. It's because, when I consider of my grow up as a Marketer, I think that there will be no result if I would continue unpleasant and painful works under the mismatched boss.

I continued visiting recruitmet agency for some meetings with consultants for the latter half of last week. On the hardest day, I met with 4 agencies' consultants. It was really a hard week for my body and soul, because it was really hot week and I had to walk around the metropolis.

For starting this changing job activities, I mainly looked for recruitment agencies which had non Japanese consultants who spoke only in English and hold meetings in English, and which submitted English resume for the application. This was based on my past experience. Even if an agency was an international company, consultants and sales persons were Japanese, they considered their comission first, and offered several jobs next to the next, and requested for applicant to apply to all of their items.
It is true that even a poor shot will hit the mark sometimes, however on the other hand, my applicant motivation becomes poor, and at last, I lose my way. So I decided to contact with non Japanese consultants, and keep this activities, although my English skill is not so good.

I had ordered agencies to submit my resumes to over 20 companies.
And I received feedback of passing documents exams from 5 companies, and I participated in the first personal interviews with 3 companies, and I failed 2 companies, and I'm waiting for feedback from 1 company.
Other companies are now in the process of screening submitted documents, and I'm just waiting.

In fact, this is a harder challenge than I considered at the start of activity.
I have no personal interview so far, but for considering the reasons of changing job, I will visit one agency/consultant tomorrow, July 30.
And further, I will participate in the first interview of 1 company next week, and another one the week after next at the moment.

It is hard to walk around in the very hot day (+30 degrees centigrade), but I have to live. So I'll try to get a good result as early as possible.

Anyway, I'll do my best.

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Career recruiting agency

I'm busy with meeting with career recruiting agents these days.
There are so many agency, but this time, I tend to select only international agency, in Japanese "gaishi."

I have already met 4 agencies so far.
And tomorrow will be the most busy day. I'll meet 3 agencies in a day.
Furthermore, I'll meet 2 or 3 agencies the day after tomorrow.

I got some good job offers from an agency that I met today.
When I went to the agent office, a consultant had already prepared some job offers.
And after the meeting, she brought some other offers for me.
The amount of offers would be 20 or more.
Finally, I decided to tend to apply for 10 companies, 10 positions.

It's hot here in Japan, isn't it?

It's too hot to walk around.
But I must find a new good job.

Oh, I'll be an unemployed man from July 26.

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Sunday, July 20, 2008


I'm in a depressive state.
Perfect depressive state.

I was made to get into trouble with my boss regarding to the presentation that I had mentioned before.
I've gotten to have not be able to believe my boss and my company.

I had been thinking that the "account executive" of the advertising agency "drafted a plan and proposed it" to a client, and "did sales activities to clients." Thus the sales person of the ad agency called "account executive," didn't it? But my boss's thought were clearly different from my thought.

His thoughts were:
"It was a work of creative persons to produce a plan," and "accout executive did only solve the matter related to money/income, such as making estimates and making and doing invoice activities."

I think that his image of account executive is not the "account executive" but "accounting executive."

I had been thinking of being big person as an account executive, but I had maden a big mistake in selecting a company.

For what, I had been working for about two months without any holidays to prepare for the presentation?
For what, I had been staying up all night for three days before the presentation?

After the presentation, I had been taking substitute holidays gradually.
Then my boss said that I had taken too much holidays.
Did I bother my clients by taking holidays?
Did I bother my company by taking holidays?
I took holidays on dull days...
I just took substitute holidays...
He didn't say nothing when I had over worked, but he did say anything when I took holidays.
What a terrible boss he was.

There are other matters.
But I know that it makes no solution if I write them here.

There is only way to solve them by myself.

So I decided to quit curret office by July 25.
And now, I'm looking for new job opportunity by taking substitute holidays.

I've already taken some meeting examinations.
The results are not come out so far, but I think that things are going to go well.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

English class will begin

As I wrote before, the English class in my office will begin from this Friday, June 27.
There will be 4 classes. 2 will be "the TOEIC score up class" as an elementary level and others will be "the Business English skill up class" as an intermediate to professional level. Fortunately, I got 695 score in TOEIC IP exam, I will attend to the Business one.
I will be able to attend this class with only text cost.
The class will be opened every weeks and my class will be opened 12:00 to 13:00 on every Friday.
I don't know what kind of lesson will be provided yet, but I hope that the class will be an interesting one.

I'm also looking for English conversation school out of the office.
If I could take two diffrent type of English lessons, I will be able to brush up my English more speedy.
My objective is to be able to communicate with natives in English as free as I can. Further, I'm considering of doing presentation in English.

Anyway, I hope that I will be able to enjoy lessons.

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4つのクラスが設けられる予定で、2つは初歩レベルの「TOEICスコアアップクラス」、そしてもう2つは「ビジネス英語スキルアップクラス」です。幸運にも、TOEIC IPテストで695点を取れたので、ビジネスの方に参加する予定です。



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Sunday, June 22, 2008

I got it!

I had gotten a feedback about the competitive presetantion, which I wrote before, on last Friday.

I got it!
We got it!
We won the competition!
We were selected as the main advertising agency on the new drug!

I'm still excited.

It was really a long road.
I spent about 3 months for this presentation.
It was really a hard work.
But all of these efforts were well rewarded.

This is one of the end point, however, this is also one of the starting point.
My hard days will begin again...
Anyway I'll do my best as usual.

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Another TEOIC score

I got another TOEIC score today.
That was TOEIC IP's score, which I had taken exam on June 6 as one of the self enlightment program in my company.

Big surprise again!
On this exam, I got 695 score!
If I had be able to answer one more question correctly, I would have gotten 700 score!

Due to this score, I will participate in the "Professional Business English Course" in the English conversation class which will be the one of the self enlightment program.

So if I will take another English conversation school, out of office, I will be able to learn English language twice or more a weak. This will help me to brush up my English skill as well.

I'll do my best.

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それは、6月6日に社内の自己啓発プログラムの一環として受験したTOEIC IPのスコアでした。





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Tuesday, June 17, 2008


From today, the score of TOEIC exam, which was held on May 25, has been opened for internet registers. I got this news from the TOEIC square which I had registered before the exam.

I clicked the link, sing-up page appeared, singed up for the members area, and clicked the button linked to the score page. And finally, my score appeared.

What a big surprise!
I got 640 score at that exam!
I can't believe it!
But this is true!

I had been thinking that the score would be 500 to 550, so I'm satisfied this score.

The official score will be delivered to me in a week or less than two weeks.

I got a satisfactory score, but this score will be a step for the next stage.
I will study harder and would like to get 750 at the next exam.

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今日から、5月25日に実施されたTOEICテストの結果がネット登録者向けに公開されています。このニュースは僕がテスト前に登録したTOEIC squareというところから送られてきました。






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Monday, June 16, 2008

Looking for English language school

I have been absorbed in learning English these days.

I have been taking trial lessons of several Engilsh conversation schools from May.
I'm afraid I wrote this before, but I was graduated from the Faculty of British and American Studies, Department of foreign language studies. And I had studied about American history, American politics, and American economics, so I can read, write, and listen to English. After graduated, I have not bee having opportunities to speak English, so I have lost my English speaking skills. And I'm considering of learning English conversation again.

Now I'm in an international company, the president is an American, and one of my colleagues also is an American. They can understand Japanese to some extent, but it is better to communicate with them in English.

I sometimes meet a situation that the president suddenly speak in English at a meeting. I can listen it and understand what he is saying, but I can't respond to him in English, so I feel irrtation, and think if I could respond quickly. I think that some of you feel the same feelings.

So I decided to get the knack of English conversation again.

I already had taken about 4 trial lessons of those schools.
Each of them had distinctive features.
However, what I'm considering is the cost is reasonable.
And I can construct schedules flexibly.
My working schedule depends on my clients' schedules, so it is hard to cnstruct my schedule freely. At this point, those schools, which are setting their period of lessons according to the fee and which doesn't accept free construction of schedules, are out of the question for me.

I will decide the school after I will take more trial lessons.

By the way, the earthquake at Iwate and Miyagi was a severe one, right?
I pray for the repose of those souls who died in this eqrthquake.

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008


What a big surprise!
Apple released iPhone 3G.
Further, iPhone 3G will be launched at July 11 in 22 countries including Japan!

I've just finished watching Keynote Address in
WWDC 2008, which I downloaded from iTunes store.
I got so excited. This is really a big news for us, Japanese.

I am a Mac user and I like the creativity of Apple.
I am also a
iPod classic user.
And I will be a iPhone user, maybe...

One thing that makes me wonder is Japanese supplier will be
Softbank mobile.
This doesn't mean that I don't like
Softbank mobile.
But, I think there is some inconvenient circumstances.
For example, the price plans are so compromised, and network systems are narrower than those of
DoCoMo and au.

iPhone will be a wonderful product, but if the supplier will not be able to work strongly, the value of iPhone will be deleted.

Anyway, this is a very good news that we will be able to get iPhone 3G at the same time with other 21 countries.

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アップルがiPhone 3Gを発表しましたね。
さらに、このiPhone 3Gは、日本を含む22の国で、7月11日に発売されるそうです。

iTunes storeからダウンロードしたWWCDでの基調講演(発表)を見終わったところです。

iPod classicのユーザーでもあります。



何はともあれ、他の21の国と同時に、iPhone 3Gを購入することができるようになるというのは本当に大きな出来事ですね。

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Sunday, June 8, 2008

TOEIC exam again

I took TOEIC exam last Friday again.
Maybe you think that it is not listed on a schedule of TOEIC website.
You're right.
This exam was TOEIC IP which was held for a group.

It is scheduled to open an English school, which is one of a self enlightment program, in my company. My company is an international (foreign-affiliated) one. So they are active for the enlightment program related to English skills.
The communication in English is a necessary skill for us, because our president is an American, one of my colleagues is also an American, and furthermore, main people who are in our group company are English speaker.

Although there is no trouble with my work whether I can't speak or write English, it is necessary to speak/write English in order to make our communication more smoothly in our office.

And, before opening the English school, they wanted to use TOEIC score for seperate classes. Then I took TOEIC IP exam.

The score will be delivered in few weeks.
I hope that I will get a good score...

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このテストはTOEIC IPと言うもので、団体受験の為に実施されたものです。





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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Finished the presentation and a new meeting

I finished the important presentation last Friday successfully.
As a total coordinator for this presetantion, I was really exhausted and got nervous.
This is my thought, but I will win this presentation.

This was the second pitch for us.
In the first pitch, our team members had not been united; medical writer had been busy with their serching for articles and concentrated on scientific point, art director had not been concentrated on this matter, and other account executive had not been in serious situation.
At that time, I had thought that we could not win the first pitch.

But, we won the first one fortunately.

In the second pitch, our team members had been united.
We could discuss several promotional plans and other ideas.
And they made the presentation for a good one.

We did the best.
The result/feedback will tell us by the end of this week, June 6th.

Otherwise, I met a beautiful and very attractive lady via internet communication site.
We met at a stylish Italian restaurant on May 23 for the first.
We ate good Italian dishes and enjoyed drinking red wine.
She was 3 years older than me, but she seemed like a same age lady.
She was very beautiful and very attractive.

She is studying English now, and I'm helping her.
I met her tonight, at a stylish but casual restaurant near my home.

She has an experience of divorce, but it doesn't matter for me now.
If she is interested in me, I do want to assciate with her.
If there will be a time to discuss, I would like to ask her if we could build a good relationship or not.

I'll write this matter later.

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Days of overtime work

Days of overtime works.
I'm really exhausted.
But, this situation will end up, and I will be able to take a pause.

Again and again, I'm pressed by preparing for a presentation.
This time, I become a sceneshifter. I'm given to making estimates for created plans.

This situation really is troublesome.
It is a difficult matter to make estimates for plans that is created by other person. It's because aims are not clear, and contents are vague.

If I can get over this job, however, there will be continuous and peaceful days. So I'm doing my best.

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Monday, May 26, 2008

TEOIC test

I went to take an examination of TOEIC today.
To tell the truth, I would take this exam on March, but I overslept for it. So this was the first time.

I was in an English study course in high school, and studied at faculty of foreign studies in the college. So I had been sorrounded by English in my school days. After graduate the college, however, I had been working at pharmaceutical companies and others where had not required English skills, my English skill had become poor, and I had been feeling irrtation.

Otherwise, I'm working at an foreign-affiliated advertising agency now. The president is American, and some of my colleagues, who is beloging to marketing section, also are American. And the opportunity to use English have been raising up. So I have changed my mind, and decided to re-brush up my English.

As a start of this situation, and I have wanted to check my English skills, I took the TOEIC test.

Fortunately, the examination place was an university where was near from my home; only 4 stations on subway.
I think that I could get over 550 scores, but I couldn't get over 600 scores, which was my target score.

The result will come out a month later.
I hope that I could get good scores.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hard days again

It's been a long long time that I update this blog.
But I have been very busy with my work, and I can't update it.

I'll go to bed soon, after I write this blog, today.
I'm like a workaholic man.
Now I've been preparing for a presentation, and working whole-day. Start work in the morning and stop work in the midnight, no the next morning.
This situation will continue till the end of this month.

The presentation will be held on the end of this month, so I will be able to take some time to write this blog again. If I will be able to have enough time, I'll write everything that happened during I had been absent.

I'm doing well with my work, but I still have tons of job. This is really hard.

Anyway, I'm doing very well.
I'll update this blog soon.




Monday, March 17, 2008

Hard days

I spent three weeks in a new work place.
I have already had tons of works, and feel a little bit of impatience.

I have been participated in a pre-launch meeting with our important partner company these two days. This meeting is a discussion meeting with executives in Asia and Pacific region, and all of the conversation are English. There are tons of English around me from the morning to the evening. It's a hard days for me.
I feel I got a allergy on English. (This is a joke though...)
Anyway, I am working surrounded by English in Japan.

I can read, write, and listen English, but I can't speak it well, so I feel some kind of irritation.
In addition, this is not a daily conversation but a business conversation, I must understand tons of economical words, and pharmaceutical words. I'm in a 'can't speak syndrome.'

By the way, it has been warm days in Tokyo these days.
I think I can go out without wearing coats.

I'll go back to Fukuoka and my real home next weekend, because a congress will be held on there.
This will be a business trip, so I can't waste time, but I hope I can enjoy my home town.







Monday, March 3, 2008

Warm days

It has been warm spring days in Tokyo. It has not so cold at the morning and the evening, so I can go for a work without wearing a scarf.

It seems like that I got a pollinosis, I have a slight tickle in my nose.

I participated in a Kick Off Meeting of a product with an important client today.
It is already decided that I will take in charge of this product after the OJT (on the job training), so I took provided information down.

I will go to the office on schedule, 9 am, tomorrow, and then I will go to a clinic to have a physical examination.

I indicated abnormal value of LDL cholesterol (neutral fat) on the physical examination that I had six months ago. I think that I will be indicated the same point this time too. It's because that I have a thick waist...
In addition, I must take a barium sulphate. So it will be a hard day for me tomorrow.

By the way, the job is easy now so far. Time goes leisurely.
I will take rests till the coming hard days.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Finished the first day

I finished the first day at a new office peacefully today.
I had an impression that this was a big company, because the employee was four times of former company. But the division, client service and creatives and so on, were orderly placed in the office, and they are active. So I felt that I would be able to gain strength from them.

Client service manager, my boss, and I held a meeting this morning.
He had already decided my client and charging product. So I felt I had to start job immediately. But it was a first day at this office for me today, I closed my work on schedule and got back home.

I bought a one-month train pass for work on the way to my home.
This affect my daily life, because the pass fee will be paid in the next salary, but it will more affect my daily life to commute by normal transport fee, I boldly bought it.
I would almost sweat because my life will go into be poor...

I'm feeling pressure, but do not be hurry, be meticulously, and do only what I can do, I'll do my best.





Start of new job

My new working life in a new working place will start today, February 26.
It will take some time to get used to the new circumstances, but I'll do my best.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Finished the final exam

I went to the second and final pitch of the meeting exam of applied company today.
Three executives, including an American President, were attended in this meeting exam. I had been afraid of English conversation with the President, but he could understand most of Japanese conversation, so the meeting exam was held in both languages.

It seemed that the client service manager had decided to hire me. So this exam became a place of meeting with the President, and of confirming my decision of joining this company.

And the result was...

"Spring has come."

The employment was decided!

After the exam, I was confirmed my will of joining the company by the client service manager, and I told him my decision of joining. And my joining was confirmed.

I will start my new job from next Tuesday, February 26.

The employment terms sheet was already made out with content that my joining day would be the next Tuesday. I confirmed conditions including annual salary, and signed it.

I really feel relieved.

By the way, I had retired former company two weeks ago, and my new job was confirmed today. It took only two weeks for changing job. I can't believe it! But this is true!

I have one week rest until the start of new job.
I will take enough rest, and prepare for a good start.










Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New contact has come

I've got a new contact, which notice the second pitch of the meeting exam, with applied ad agency in this early morning.

According to the email, the President will go to the US for a business trip the day after tomorrow, so I will go to the office in tomorrow (Feb. 20) afternoon in haste.

Anyway, I'm relieved that all things are going well.
I'm little bit nervous now, but I'll do my best!






Let's know about Senator Barack Obama!
And support him from Japan!


Monday, February 18, 2008

Go for the second pitch

I had gone to the second meeting exam of the first pitch of the applied advertising agency.
I passed the 1st pitch of the meeting exam of an advertising agency today!
Offered annual salary also matched what I wanted.
To tell the truth, I've been applying to another agency. But I've couldn't receive any contacts from the company, so I decided to continue applying to the agency which I received an official offer.

This agency is one of the healthcare division group company of the biggest advertising agency group all over the world. They have seven offices around the world including Japan. In this industry, This group is the ad agency that everybody knows, so it is impudent for me. Anyway, I feel relieved that I could pass the first pitch of the meeting exam.

Well, next pitch will be the second meeting exam.
Moreover, it will be a meeting exam with the President.
Furthermore, the President is an American.

I'm wondering if the exam will be an English meeting...
Anyway, I'll do my best.






Sunday, February 17, 2008

Who do you want to vote?

The presidential primaries are going on in the US.
Who do you want to vote to, if you are an American citizen?

I do vote to Senator Barack Obama.

I had majored British and American Studies in the college, and I had researched poverty and racial policies of President John F. Kennedy for the graduation thesis. In this research, I read books on Kennedy's policies, and researched all lines of his speeches. And my conclusion was that JFK, as a President of the United States, had not have any special achievement expect for the achievement of diplomatic problems such as Cuban Crisis.
But this conclusion was based on his assassination on the way of his presidential days, so we must consider that there were chances for him: He had couldn't work on several tasks that he had wanted to work on.

As you know, it is said that most of politicians model on JFK's speeches, and there are many great speeches. I would like you to watch this example of his speech transfered from YouTube. This is an latter half of his inaugural address. The original files are separated to two files; the first half and the latter half. In the end of this speech, there is a great and impressive speech, which I can never forget.

"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country."
"My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man."
These phrases appear between 4:00 to 4:30 in this video.

On the other hand, how about Senator Obama?
I think that his speeches are very similar to those of JFK, and his speeches are composed by easy words and strong messages. Also the tempo of speech is similar to those of JFK.
Here is a sample of Senator Obama's Speech.

If he become the President of the United States, he will be the first Black President. But in his every speeches, I can't feel such excitement. I can only find intensive phrases that the US should be reunited in order to seek freedom and peace of human beings.

And, um, I only feel harshness from speeches of Senator Hillary Clinton.
Here is a sample.

Senator John McCain, a Republican candidate, don't make a speech. He is only whispering... LOL
I think that he will never be able to lead the US, such a big country.
Here is a sample.

Well, as I am so, I think that the most of the US citizens are feeling images of JFK thorough Senator Obama's speeches.

I think he is the only one candidate who can change the US to a good country in this world: not a police of the world, but one of the citizen of the world.

If I have a citizenship of the US, I surely will do vote to Obama.

Obama '08!













Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I recieved a message

I received a message from an advertising agency which I had gone to the meeting exam yesterday.
The message was not an information of next pitch of exam, but the message of meeting invitation before step forward to second pitch of meeting exam.

I'm feeling there will be a hope.

I'll go there next Monday afternoon.

I wish everything are going to go well!





Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Finished the first exam

I went to a scheduled meeting exam of an advertising agency this evening, and it was finished peacefully.
The exam was held on about one hour, but this business world is limited, so both of us knew each other and had nothing to discuss in this exam.
Anyway, the result will tell me by an email or a telephone call later.

I would like to send a resume to one more agency this morning, but unfortunately it had been raining from this morning in Tokyo, and a post office is far from my apartment, so I sent it as a special delivery mail on the way to my apartment this night. I think that it will deliver to the agency tomorrow morning.

I'm searching for other recruiting information, but this business world is limited; there are few companies and less information of recruiting, so I'm going a hard way.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to receive good news from applied two agencies.





Ready for the exam

I'll attend a meeting exam of an advertising agency that I wrote here before, today (February 12).
I completed the preparing of resume and working experiences sheet. So the lest thing to do for me is only to attend the meeting exam actually.

I'm little nervous, but I am a kind of person who express myself in the real exam, so I'll be calm when the exam starts. The exam is held on this evening, so I will relax in my home until the time when I will leave my apartment; and I'll think of suppositional Q&A till the time will come.

Also I decided to apply for one more company.
This company is ad agency too.
I must be examined by submitted resume first, so I wrote resume and working experiences. I will send them as a special delivery mail this morning.

It is a long way, but I'll do my best.





Monday, February 11, 2008

Please watch this!

This is a video of Japanese comedian combi. I love this.

How was this?
Could you lugh?

Preparing for a meeting exam

I'm preparing for a meeting exam, which will be held on next week, for an advertising agency; writing resume / curriculum vitae. To make doubly sure, I'm writing both Japanese and English.

In Japanese, I must prepare two articles; one is the resume including personal information, and the other is the resume including working experiences. But in English, resume is a resume: English resume / curriculum vitae including both personal information and working experiences. So I prefer the English one, I am sometimes at a loss in English grammar though...

The agency which I take the meeting exam is the double scale company comparing with the retired one. So I think that the examination level will be higher than the former one. Anyways, I'll do my best!

I'll report the result when I receive it on this blog.




Sunday, February 10, 2008


This blog is a renewaled version of same blog title to avoid stalking by my retired company and its members.
Please enjoy and drop some comments easily.
