Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I got a phone call

Yes!!! I got a phone call from the internationl life insurance company today.
That is... Yes, I passed the 1st examination of this company.

I couln't stop crying, because I have been thinking that I have not passed the examination.

Next step will be a face-to-face interview.
And although this is a rumor but the face-to-face interview will be held soome times.

After I got the phone call, I have been thinking about the competitive rate for this position.
When I had participated in the explanatry meeting, there were over 100 examinees. This company have been holding these explanatory meeting at several big cities. However, according to the recruitment information, they planned to hire 30 people. If the explanatory meeting have held 20 places/times, the amount of the examinees will be 2000. So the copetitive rate for this position will be 67 times.
Then, when I had gone to the 1st examination, there had been only 50 examinees. If the rate of competition will be the same to my time, the amount of examinees who passed the explanatory meeting will be 1000. So, the half of the examinees were rejected only by the explanatory meeting.
I don't know how many people passed the 1st examination, but, I think at least half of the examinees were rejected at this step.

Um... What a tough position!!!

Well, the next step, 2nd examination, will be a face-to-face interview.
I don't know what kind of question will be prepared, but there is only one thing to do for this examination for me.
That is, I'll do my best.

Yes, I'll do mu best.
My face-to-face interview will be held on Thursday of the next week.
If you remember this date, please pray for me.
Your praying power will be a big power for me.

I hope that everything will go well.











Saturday, April 18, 2009

Finished 1st exam

I finished the 1st examination of an international life insurance company today.

I had participated in the explanatory meeting of this company last Saturday, and had gotten a phone call, which had noticed me that I had passed the resume selection, from this company this Wednesday. The person who had called me had told me contents of the 1st examination: They would practice a group discussion and an aptitude test.

When I had participated in the explanatory meeting, there were over 100 examinees. And today, there were only 50 examinees. That is to say, the half of examinees were rejected by the explanatory meeting.

Well... I should write how the 1st examination was.

I felt that there were not significant differences among examinees in the group discussion. But the aptitude test was difficult, and I felt that at least half of examinees would be rejected by this test: I would be the one of them.

The result will be noticed by 2 ways.
If I will pass the 1st examination, I will get a phone call from the company.
And if I won't pass the 1st examination, I will receive an email or a postal letter from them.

Maybe I will receive an email or a postal letter...

Um, I should look for many other job opportunities.




さて... 試験のことを書いた方が良いですよね...





Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Passed exams

I got results from two life insurance companies which I had written before.
I passed both of them.

The results were passed 1st interview of the domestic insurance company and passed resume screening of the international company.

I had been thinking that I would like to have priority over the international company because they opened actual date of the next step in the explanatory meeting. Just as when I had thought about that, I got a information on a 2nd interview, which would be held on the same date with the next step exam of the international one, from the domestic company.

I had not known the result of the international company at that time, but I had been thinking that I would like to have priority over the international company. So I requested the domestic company to consider other date. But I'm wondering how it will be because the domestic company never takes contact with me.

Anyway, the next exam, which actually will be the 1st exam, of the international company will be held on next Saturday.
I heard that the contents will be an aptitude test and a group discussion.

I will go to a meeting with a non-life insurance company tomorrow, and I will meet a manager of branch office of an international life insurance company the day after tomorrow.

The progress of medical/pharmaceutical companies are not good...








Sunday, April 12, 2009

First Interview and Explanatory Meeting

I went to a first interview and an explanatory meeting.
Both of them were held by life insurance companies; one was a domestic life insurance company, and the other one was an international company.

I was scouted from the domestic company by the Internet: The company found my resume on the Internet and scouted me. The salary is not so high, but this company's job offer was hiring manager of brach office candidates, so I went to the first interview yesterday, April 10.

Maybe because of the sound company, I felt the atmosphere of the office was simple.
The interview was a meeting with a director of sales division of the branch; I felt that it was not an "interview" but a casual "meeting."
I was very glad to hear that he (they) wanted me to go to the final step, and wanted to hire me.

As my will, I want to go back to Fukuoka, my hometown, and do business in quiet circumstances, but if I will be a manager of branch, I have to move to everywhere in Japan due to the character of manager of branch office, and also the level of salary is not so high. So I'm considering this position now.

And today, April 11, I participated in the explanatory meeting of the international life insurance company.
I found this company's job offer on the Internet and applied by myself, then I was called to come to this meeting.
This job offer is a position as a candidate of manager of branch office too.

I was surprised when I entered the meeting room!
Although this explanatory meeting has been held various cities every few times, there were over 100 seats.
I heard that this job offer limited only for 30 to 40 positions, so the competitive rate became 3 times only for this meeting. If they held same size meeting 10 times, the rate will rise up to 30 times. Extraordinary difficult situation.

Regarding to the meeting, I could understand not only they were a good company but also they were the company which operated their vision as not an affection but as a real activity.
If I will be hired and will success as a manager of branch, the salary will be over 10 million yen. I wondered if this was a real matter or not. But that was a real matter. They give compensation for contribution.

If I passed this meeting, I would get a phone call from them.
But If I would not pass, I would get an email or postal letter.
I hope that I will get a phone call.











Sunday, April 5, 2009

I passed two resume screenings

I passed 2 resume screenings.
They are Life Insurance companies, one is an international company and the other one is a domestic company.
Those positions are Sales Manager Candidate and Manager of Branch Office Candidate.

I tried to apply to the life insurance industry because their sales style were similar to the style of Medical Representative (MR), and I thought that I would be able to do well. In other words, MRs don't sell product directly, MRs sell product by promoting information to physicians or pharmacists. And Sales Persons of life insurance don't sell product directly too. Those two jobs sell information.

I will go to a seminar on next weekend, and will go to an interview on next Friday or Wednesday.

At the moment, there are no changes for those positions which I applied to through recruiting agents.
I'll have to wait until agents give me feedbacks.





Thursday, April 2, 2009

Unstable employment conditions in Japan

According to the announcement of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), the unemployment rate rose up to 4.4%, and further, the ratio of job offers to job seekers went down to 0.59 nationaly on this February : this ratio was around 0.9 in Metropolitan City, Tokyo.

According to several newspapers, this situation was the lowest since February 2003. Also, the rationof job offers to job seekers was 0.67 on this January. So its fall by 0.08 to 0.59 was the sharpest single-month drop since December 1974!

Further, the diffusion index of business sentiment among large companies also fell down to -58 in Manufactures and -31 in Non-manufactures on this March.

These indexes shows only the surface of Japanese economical meltdown.
I think that the actual economical meltdown is more serious under the water.

Who, when, and how this crisis will be recovered?
At least, I think that the present cabinet will not be able to recover it at the moment.
For example, the cabinet fixed extra services on highway charge: Who use ETC system can use local highway only for 1,000 yen on the weekend. But those who don't have an ETC and a car can't receive this merit. Also, I think this emerging rescue for people's consumption competes with the policy to reduce CO2. If this easy rescue went successfully, the enviromental policy would be thrown away.

I think that this is a simple case.
Not only politicians, but also beaurocracy should consider Japanese economical situation again.

I'm not satisfied with these measures.






