Thursday, October 2, 2008

Submit acceptance

I would go to the new office today, but when I called new boss/CEO, he told me no need to come to the office only for submitting a document, and to submit it on the first day at the office. So I told him my acceptance officially and told each other something regarding to the new circumstances.

After I hung up this call, I thought awhile.
That was to say, I thought that it was a little bit impolite to him to express my acceptance only by a phone call.
So I signed on the document and scanned it, and then saved it as PDF. And I wrote an email to him to tell my acceptance officially again, and to tell him to attach this PDF in order to express my sincerity, and to bring my official document on my first day at the office, October 8th.

I'll clean tons of confidential documents up from now. As you know, I got so many confidential documents related to job descriptions or hiring conditions from my recruiting agents and head-hunters. I hope that my shredder will not be broken up...

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これから山のような機密文書を整理するつもりです。何しろ、紹介会社やヘッドハンターからもらった職務内容や就業条件などの書かれた機密文書をかなりの数もらっているので... シュレッダーが壊れないことを祈ります。

にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ

I got an official document

As I wrote yesterday, I had gotten an unofficial offer from an advertising agency.
Today, I received an official offer from that company as an official document.

According to that document, I will be a manager of planning group of that company, in other word, I will be an account manager. It also required me to make my decision by this Friday, and to become an employee from October 8th.

Otherwise, I got a feedback, which was notifying me to pass a screening of resume by other ad agency, from a recruiting agent. And I also had over 10 on-going positions that I had applied before.

I considered whether I should accept this official offer or not for whole day, today. And finally, I decided to accept this official offer!!

Due to these conditions, I wrote a lot of emails to my recruiting agents and head hunters. As you know, I had over 10 positions at that time, it took many times. However, I have just finished writing emails to them.

I'll go to the new office tomorrow, in order to submit an acceptance document to them.
Now I'm feeling good because I had been struggling for seeking a new and good position for about 3 months. This 3-months activity was really a hard and a long one. Anyway, I'm relieved now.

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書面によれば、僕は企画グループの課長として採用されるとのことです。他の言葉で言えば、アカウント マネージャーということになります。また、この書面には、意思決定を今週の金曜日までにして欲しいと言うことと、入社日は10月8日とするということが書かれていました。




今の気分は良いです。何しろ、約3ヶ月の間、新しいそして自分にとって満足のいく会社(ポジション)を死にもの狂いで探してきたんですから... この3ヶ月間の活動は本当にハードで長い活動でした。とにかく今はホッとしています。

にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I got one!

I had been struggling with my recruiting activities for about 3 months, and today, I got an unofficial decision/offer from an ad agency.

Most of my activities had been moderated by my some recruiting agents, however, the company which I got an unofficial decision/offer and me had met by internet based resume scouting system.

The company is not a big one, but strongly agreed with their policy. That is to say, "their clients are pharmaceutical companies, however, their final clients are patients.". Not only CEO, but also those employees all toward for patients. I was strongly moved this policy.

Today, I went to their office for taking the 2nd interview. But there were no interviews as an exam.
CEO directly offered me 3 conditions.
1st one was I will be an account executive at their headquarter in Tokyo, and also responsible for supporting activities of their will-be-launched office in Osaka in sales area.
2nd one was he wanted to me to become their member as soon as possible; if possible he wanted me to come to their office from next week.
3rd one was my annual salary.

So now, I got all conditions and informations for this position, and I have to answer whether good or not to CEO by this Friday. I wanted to say "Yes" at that time, but I still have some on-going opportunities. So I couldn't decide at that time.

In my heart now, I think that my decision has been made. That is to say, I will answer "Yes" to CEO.

And I will have to take a lot of contacts with my recruiting agents yesterday in order to stop there research and recommendation for other companies. This will take about a day...

Anyway, I'm relieved now.

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