Tuesday, June 24, 2008

English class will begin

As I wrote before, the English class in my office will begin from this Friday, June 27.
There will be 4 classes. 2 will be "the TOEIC score up class" as an elementary level and others will be "the Business English skill up class" as an intermediate to professional level. Fortunately, I got 695 score in TOEIC IP exam, I will attend to the Business one.
I will be able to attend this class with only text cost.
The class will be opened every weeks and my class will be opened 12:00 to 13:00 on every Friday.
I don't know what kind of lesson will be provided yet, but I hope that the class will be an interesting one.

I'm also looking for English conversation school out of the office.
If I could take two diffrent type of English lessons, I will be able to brush up my English more speedy.
My objective is to be able to communicate with natives in English as free as I can. Further, I'm considering of doing presentation in English.

Anyway, I hope that I will be able to enjoy lessons.

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