Sunday, April 12, 2009

First Interview and Explanatory Meeting

I went to a first interview and an explanatory meeting.
Both of them were held by life insurance companies; one was a domestic life insurance company, and the other one was an international company.

I was scouted from the domestic company by the Internet: The company found my resume on the Internet and scouted me. The salary is not so high, but this company's job offer was hiring manager of brach office candidates, so I went to the first interview yesterday, April 10.

Maybe because of the sound company, I felt the atmosphere of the office was simple.
The interview was a meeting with a director of sales division of the branch; I felt that it was not an "interview" but a casual "meeting."
I was very glad to hear that he (they) wanted me to go to the final step, and wanted to hire me.

As my will, I want to go back to Fukuoka, my hometown, and do business in quiet circumstances, but if I will be a manager of branch, I have to move to everywhere in Japan due to the character of manager of branch office, and also the level of salary is not so high. So I'm considering this position now.

And today, April 11, I participated in the explanatory meeting of the international life insurance company.
I found this company's job offer on the Internet and applied by myself, then I was called to come to this meeting.
This job offer is a position as a candidate of manager of branch office too.

I was surprised when I entered the meeting room!
Although this explanatory meeting has been held various cities every few times, there were over 100 seats.
I heard that this job offer limited only for 30 to 40 positions, so the competitive rate became 3 times only for this meeting. If they held same size meeting 10 times, the rate will rise up to 30 times. Extraordinary difficult situation.

Regarding to the meeting, I could understand not only they were a good company but also they were the company which operated their vision as not an affection but as a real activity.
If I will be hired and will success as a manager of branch, the salary will be over 10 million yen. I wondered if this was a real matter or not. But that was a real matter. They give compensation for contribution.

If I passed this meeting, I would get a phone call from them.
But If I would not pass, I would get an email or postal letter.
I hope that I will get a phone call.











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